I went on a journey to the Netherlands when I was 19 to discover my roots. Unlike most young women I returned home with a suitcase full of books.
One of the books I bought was called, ‘The Art of Spiritual Dreaming’ by Harold Klemp. Dreams had always fascinated me as from a young age I would awake remembering numerous dreams I had in the night. The dreaming book made reference to a religion called ‘Eckankar’ and at this time in my life I was opposed to any organized religion (there all dogmatic aren’t they?) and I didn’t continue to read the book.
Many years later I picked up the book from my bookshelf and began to read it again. It spoke of chanting the tone ‘Hu’ as a love song to God and a path to enlightenment. Supposedly the more you chanted it; the more you would hear the Sounds and see the Light of God and therefore become closer in your own being to this divine energy. So that night I chanted Hu and I had the most extraordinary dream; I heard magical flutes and the most beautiful music and awoke knowing that I heard the Sounds of God. These experiences continued and sometimes in my dreams I would hear angelic choirs and other music, which I now know to be ‘the music of the spheres’ or the heavenly harmonies that heal and transform.
Some years later I was living in a new town and went to the local library. I was instantly drawn to the book titled ‘The 7 Eck Masters’. I didn’t get a chance to read it and I went to sleep that night with the book on my bedside table. I dreamed that I was standing beside a river. I was told by some presence nearby that it was my duty to retrieve a Golden Scroll that was lost at the bottom of the river. My rational brain kicked in and I thought, ‘how would I possibly get down there and find it?’ Then my higher self beamed, ‘of course I can, I will somehow conjure the magical powers necessary and retrieve it’. I located the scroll and the next minute I found myself in a beautiful city walking up towards a golden temple. I walked up to the door and knocked- it was opened by a Chinese Man with a hat with a long white beard. He was the Guardian of this ancient scroll and he was very relieved to have it back in his safekeeping.
I awoke suddenly and knew that this was a profound dream. For some reason I picked up the book on my side table ‘the 7 Eck Masters’ and opened it randomly. Whoa, Holly Molly, there on the very page I opened was a picture, an exact replica of the Chinese Man from my dreams. The man’s name was Lai Tsi and he is a former living Eck master who now is the guardian of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad (ancient wisdom scroll) who is located on the Etheric plane at the Temple of Golden Wisdom in the City of Arhirit! I can’t believe it…that is exactly where I went in my dreams, to this exact temple and this was the very man I saw! Extraordinary. My soul visited this place and I had profound personal evidence that could not be disputed. I had never opened that book before. I was left with no doubt that these energetic planes existed, that Lai Tsi is real and that the teachings about the soul that underlay Eckankar are rich with the real spiritual truths that have been kept hidden.
I began to feel the truth about how increasing the light and sound of divinity within, through chanting certain tones, is definitely a path to enlightenment or ‘god’ realization. Sound and vibration started to fascinate me as I became aware of its power to transform and heal.
Very soon after integrating these and many more other amazing energetic and physical experiences from chanting this ‘Hu’, a woman showed up on my doorstep with some Acutonics® Tuning Forks. She explained how the Acutonics® Sound Healing System is a unique, energy-based, non-invasive modality that is rooted in Oriental Medicine. Precision calibrated tuning forks are applied to specific acupuncture and acupressure points to access the body’s Meridian and Chakra energy systems. These tuning forks represent a natural harmonic series based on the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Planets.
The woman began to treat me-as the sound vibrations of the forks penetrated deep into an acupuncture point and traveled throughout my energetic meridian system, all the cells in my body started to hum and vibrate.
Everything in the Universe vibrates, from the smallest particle, to the planets in our solar system, to the billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, creating patterns of geometric waveforms, frequencies, musical intervals, and sounds. In Western Culture, The Music of the Spheres, or the concept of these heavenly harmonies can be traced back to 6th century BCE and Pythagoras, who recognized that sounds are subject to mathematical laws and proportions, and were the very foundation of the Universe.
The Devachan (the world of pure sound) is one of the key philosophical and theological concepts of the Acutonics® Healing System. According to Rudolf Steiner, during the night the soul is said to feast and saturate itself with the flowing tones and vibrations of the Devachan. Students on the path of spiritual training learn to acquire a continuity and extension of consciousness for a part of the night , which lies outside of the dream life. It is the part that is entirely unconscious; i.e. every time we fall asleep we lose consciousness, our astral body emerges from our physical body. We are unconscious but living in the spiritual world, and the spiritual sounds make impressions on our soul. It is in this state that our faculty to ‘heal spiritually’ develops. It is also when the ability to perceive Tone combinations, Sacred Intervals and the pairing of tones that are inaudible to the physical ears, is born. We wake each morning from the world of the Music of the Spheres and from this realm of eternal harmony and beauty, re-enter the physical world. We often sense these imprints when we listen to certain music or hear certain sounds- the imprinting gets reactivated- WE BEGIN TO REMEMBER. The cosmic tones of the Acutonics® healing system are the flowing tones of the Devachanic realm, and when applied with intention and method they trigger the soul to remember wholeness, oneness and the pure realm that is its primal home. When we dwell in the musical element , the element of sound, we live and thrive in the reflection of our spiritual home.
In Acutonics®, the sounds of the cosmos or ‘the music of the spheres’ are brought into the world of health care through the use of precision calibrated planetary tuning forks and symphonic planetary gongs. Acupressure points and Chakras provide non-invasive access into these core energetic systems within the body. The planets provide musical intervals, archetypes, psychological depth, and correspondences that help us to fine-tune the therapeutic frequencies that are applied to the body. The sound waves of the forks vibrate and travel deeply into the body along energy pathways, affecting human physiology and reaching places not easily accessed. Their rich resonance and vibration connects with and supports the body’s natural frequencies, stimulates and balances the body’s physical and subtle energy field, and promotes wellness, deep inner harmony, and harmonic attunement.
My first treatment with this sound therapy was an incredible activation. – As my body’s vibration began to shift, I saw very clear visions of myself practicing and teaching this Sound modality. I knew that all my life’s work, study and my recent experiences with the power of Sound had opened me up and prepared me for this mission of spreading the Acutonics® modality and helping others come home to their divine harmony. Every time I would think about the forks and these heavenly harmonies (which was very often) my whole body would buzz, tingle and hum.
Bridges will be built to the Devachan through the Acutonics® work. As new cellular architectures and frequencies are put into place, the soul begins the process of remembering. Through the inner work, deep initiation will happen, new worlds of colour, light and sound will be unfolded to you- you will draw inspiration from this realm. For me the Golden Scroll is symbolic of humanities need now and for the ripeness of time for this ancient harmonic intelligence to be re-activated and remembered.