Training Classes
Ancient Methods, Modern Tools
Acutonics definition
System of vibrational sound therapy rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, psychology and science that utilizes tuning forks, hand chimes and symphonic gongs tuned to the planets, Tibetan bowls, bells, drums, and other indigenous tools. Connecting body, mind, and soul in the journey toward optimal health, harmonic attunement or at-one-ment with all things in the Universe.
The integral way, undifferentiated wholeness, the essence of Tao.
Learn and immediately apply the Acutonics sound healing methodology. The Acutonics Sound Healing Certification Program offers a practical understanding of Sound Healing, Oriental Medicine and Harmonic Living. This is a non-invasive and gentle modality, with a scientific and spiritual foundation that is having profound results. Rooted in contemporary science, East Asian Medicine, psychology, and music theory, Acutonics® is an applied methodology with broad clinical applications in the practice of both Western and Eastern medicine. Students explore powerful combination of acupoints, and sound vibration techniques that are easily adapted into clinical practice or used for self-care. From the very first class you gain valuable knowledge that can be immediately implemented to promote optimal health and well-being.
Acutonics® tuning fork therapy incorporates the use of precision-calibrated medical grade tuning forks, applied on or over specific acupuncture points, to access the body’s meridian and chakra energy systems. The sound waves of the forks vibrate and travel deeply into the body along energy pathways that have been proven to impact both the soma and the psyche. Their rich resonance and vibration connect with and supports the body’s natural frequencies, stimulates and balances, the body’s physical and subtle energy field, promotes wellness, deep inner harmony and a sense of well-being, harmonic attunement® and homeostasis. Students learn to work with specific frequencies and musical Intervals that are tuned to the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Planets, and apply these intervals directly on acupuncture and acupressure point combinations, as well as trigger points, chakras, and in the etheric field. Each musical combination or interval that we work with has its own unique archetypal qualities and frequencies that allows you to fine tune the energetic that is applied on or over the body. Each class builds on what was learned in the previous class, as we explore concepts like layering sound, and work with additional tools including essential oils, Tibetan bowls and tinchas, planetary gongs & chimes, bells, and drums.
Wherever you live in the world there are opportunities to study in both live in person classes and live classes offered on Zoom.
For more than twenty-five years, we have delivered the leading in-depth, professional training program in applied sound medicine therapeutics. Developed at an acupuncture college in the 1990’s and integrated into many community health clinics, where Acutonics proved highly effective. Since then, our in-depth training and tuning fork therapy certification program is taught around the globe.
Acutonics embraces both ancient healing wisdom traditions and new paradigms in health and wellness while remaining firmly based in science and strongly supported by case study documentation and research. This non-invasive methodology is proven to reduce pain, improve sleep, relieve digestive disorders, and ameliorate symptoms associated with severe stress, including anxiety and depression.
Acutonics® classes open new doors to understanding the healing process. You will discover a global community of like-minded people committed to working with all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit – classes are filled with opportunities for self-exploration, self-development, creative expression, and community building. We work hard, find joy in the moment, and enjoy the bounty of the natural world. — Ellen F. Franklin, PhD
‘The Body is held together by Sound.
The Presence of disease indicates that some Sounds have gone out of Tune’
-Deepak Chopra
About Our Trainings
About Our Trainings
Acutonics® Classes are for you if you would like to:

“If your looking to expand into another dimension of energetic healing, then Acutonics is for you. It builds well on knowledge of acupuncture principles and develops an inspiring way to practice. Eeka teaches what she obviously loves and practices. She combines sound disciplined teaching practices with intuition, flair and a great deal of creativity. Five Star!”

Eeka is a phenomenal teacher. She is so knowledgeable and embodied in her understanding of Acutonics. Her passion is contagious and her example of a dedicated practitioner is a blessing for all of her students to bear witness. When someone is doing what they are meant to do it is a magical thing to behold- and all the information becomes so easy to assimilate because of it. The group was dynamic, playful and connected. And I am excited to continue my journey with Acutonics.

‘Eeka is a really wholesome teacher, she marries her wisdom around astrology, acupuncture and sound medicine seamlessly into a full 3 days of practical and informative content along with weaving in ceremony, meditation and discussions that add experiential depth to the process.
By the end of the 3 days I felt my body buzzing and felt the deep effects of the sounds in my body continuing to do their healing work. My gratitude to you Eeka for bringing the amazing healing tool into my life !

“Eeka is such an incredibly gifted teacher. She really shares from a deeply knowledgeable place combined with light hearted experiencing wisdom.
She touches the students with her authenticity & care for their growth. I feel very grateful she is sharing this work at this time.
It feels so important and powerful. The transmission of vibrational healing is a powerful activation and Eeka really delivers this with clarity, depth & passion.”
Thank you beautiful soul xxx

I highly recommend Acutonics and Eeka to delve deeper into energy & the art and science of Healing. It’s a beautiful blend of eastern and western mystery school teachings. This course has helped me to further infuse the energy healing I am currently doing. I have had great shifts in my own mind, body and soul just from attending this course. I now have a deeper connection and experiencing of the macro and microcosms.

Fascinating technology that bridges many methods of healing. The Power of sound is the way to our future. I love Eeka’s transmission of knowledge and joy in this work. I would recommend this course to many and look forward to continuing my studies. I love Sound!

Eeka held such a wonderful space & shared such valuable knowledge, in a very practical & profound way. It was interesting, inspiring and informative, leaving me feeling not only confident in this modality but in treating others with it. Thank you Eeka for your warmth & truly beautiful way of supporting and teaching me & others this amazing modality

This course takes you beyond expected. Eeka is an approachable, filled with knowledge and fun instructor. Her love and belief in Acutonics is felt deeply. Definitely changed my vision and expanded my knowledge.

‘This weekend has been more than I ever could have imagined. Eeka is such a beautiful teacher and incredibly knowledgeable. Acutonics itself is to me, the perfect combination of healing techniques to provide the most effective outcome. Everything has pointed me in the direction of Acutonics and what a blessing to be guided by the lovely Eeka’

‘Radiant, practical, down to Earth and Cosmic. Eeka inspires higher aspiration for planetary healing’

‘Eeka is a great teacher I really loved learning from her. Eekas knowledge & wisdom and life experience is exceptional in the field.’

Its existence yet I had no idea what to expect. Eeka was truely an amazing guide, I loved her honest, grounded & very supportive approach to teaching. I also loved how inclusive it was within class discussions with opportunity to learn from everyone, whilst Eeka linked & weaved the many perspectives into a greater whole. I want to continue with this amazing course structure and to learn from Eeka’s wealth of experience.
Thank you Eeka you are an incredible woman.

Eeka did an amazing job of blending both the scientific and esoteric sides of Acutonics. She was able to provide case studies and personal experiences that related to and built on the literature provided. It was a great space to learn and experience the power of Acutonics. Looking forward to the next course!

I experienced a truly transformative journey in my body and it surprised me how deep I went and fell asleep unlike any other treatments I have had before. I highly recommend Eeka for anyone wishing to ground and bathe in sound and learn all facets about it. She has a deep understanding of acupuncture & energy and easily addressed the needs in the group.
It was nourishing. Thanks again. I look forward to level 3 & 4

My experience of 6 days of taking Acutonics level 1 & 2 with Eeka has me inspired with a deep desire to learn more. Eeka’s humble approachable personality matched with her obvious passion and knowledge in this work makes her a great teacher. Eeka being very present throughout is very appreciated! I am very impressed with the design of the course. I love how much history, evidence and knowledge was shared aligned with potent images. Thank you very much ! Aloha

It truly took me into a cellular space where I saw, felt and became my true calling. The expansion of knowledge on top of level 1 was profound.
I came away with an understanding of what is achievable to a level that far surpasses what I thought was possible in healing.
Eeka is just a wealth of knowledge. Wow wow wow. Is all I can say.

Acutonics 3 was a transformational turning point for me. I found the planetary information intriguing and all connecting in with everything I’ve learned so far.. Eeka has great clarity and vision and a powerful strength and authenticity to bring the teachings through and pass the knowledge on.This vibrational medium (Acutonics) is cutting edge for the future of people and the planet and I recommend to all who would choose to follow this journey…

“My involvement in the weekend of Acutonics 1 has been a very informative, interesting and positive experience. Eeka’s knowledge and delivery is exceptional. Her willingness to help is above what is needed and makes everyone feel relaxed and nurtured. Her experience of the healing arts in general is a resource she is easily able to draw on and she is able to convey a very wholistic approach to the cosmic mysteries in general. I would happily recommend anyone to be a part of this course!”

“Eeka King has a broad spectrum of knowledge when it comes to working with sound on the body. Her enthusiastic nature displays her passion for Acutonics and sharing this modality with others- both as teacher and as therapist. If you want to experience the vibrational aspects of sound, both subtle and profound, I would highly recommend Eeka as a facilitator”

“I would recommend this training for those with a love of music, healing arts and esoteric wisdom. Eeka is passionate about Chinese Medicine and Vibrational Medicine making her an outstanding facilitator. A lovely modality that compliments acupuncture and provides an alternative for children, those that are ‘needle phobic’ or sensitive. And a couple of days later… Sat Nam Eeka. I just finished my morning Sadhana and all I can think about is the tuning forks…Seriously I’m addicted ha ha…the more I reflect on the training the more the full treasures are exposed to me…I’m so excited to have these tools. I feel so cosmically connected, it’s awesome. Thanks Eeka”

“Dr Eeka King was exceptional in her delivery of the Acutonics Level 1 Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics course. Although there was a lot to absorb, the class schedule provided adequate breaks to enable consolidation of the information to occur. The energy generated by the practical application is astounding and Eeka was always on hand to direct, encourage and foster our new found skills. I have been pleasantly surprised at how wonderful I feel and the ability to use the modality instantly and with confidence is amazing. I’m grateful to the universe for orchestrating events to allow my participation in this course. I’m already looking forward to Level 2!”
“I really enjoyed the workshop. Eeka was really clear, inclusive, patient and knowledgeable in the modality. She was very accommodating and helpful and made sure everyone was keeping up. Also very encouraging. It was light and fun and at the same time focused and on point. Thank you- looking forward to more…”

“The information I received from level 1 Acutonics is amazing and far exceeded my expectations. I know that this modality will benefit myself and anyone else that tries it. Eeka is an amazing teacher, very approachable and nurturing. It has been an exciting, informative and fun learning environment. I am walking away with far more knowledge and insight”

“My experience with the Acutonics modality has been life changing in so many ways, for myself personally and for my clients. The total experience is uplifting and so beneficial for growth on all levels!”

“I absolutely loved Acutonics Level 1! I can’t wait to start using my tuning forks when they arrive. I feel like this modality will tie together both my previous knowledge in alternative and energetic healing and expand my experience to a whole new level. Eeka was fantastic as a Teacher. Her attention to detail and her open and relaxed manner made the classes enjoyable and inspiring. I cannot wait for level 2!”

“Eeka is a grounded and knowledgeable teacher. She is very approachable and sensitive to her students needs. This course was definitely above my expectations. It was so enjoyable and easy to navigate through. Eeka teaches in such a way that makes it easy for everyone to digest and put into action. Her information was well received & delivered. Thank you Eeka for a magical opening into this medicine, the meridians and the 5 elements! Much Love”

“Eeka King is a very gentle and patient lecturer. She explained the whole concept of using tuning forks in an Acutonics session very well and presented us with a good understanding of planetary energies, musical intervals and how to use all this knowledge to create change in our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. I thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience”

“I have loved every bit of the course. I have learned so much about our energetic system and the greater universe. Eeka delivers the information so well & explains everything in a way that is understood. I level the level of inclusion and trust I felt, even though I haven’t worked with acupuncture points prior. I’m very grateful for such an eye opening experience, especially while I am pregnant. I have felt very supported and encouraged to try. Thank you. ”

“The Acutonics modality has offered me very deep personal development. It has helped with opening deep blocks and has been very beneficial in my clinic also. My animal totem came to me. I enjoyed the Level 3 class very much so. Much gratitude for teaching us Astrology chart reading. It was a wonderful presentation- you gave your heart and soul. You are doing such fantastic work and I am so proud of you. Deep gratitude for your wisdom and sharing. Thank you”
“Eeka is a joy to learn from. Her natural enthusiasm lends itself to a friendly teaching style. Her passion for this modality is infectious. I would recommend this course to any practitioner who wishes to widen their scope of practice and gather complimentary tools”

“Well run, excellent material and Eeka easily delivered the information at a level I could understand. It was interesting, entertaining and engaging (I never once switched off!) Great location. See you in the study groups and November for level 2”

“I found the course amazing and very informative. Having stepped in with very little knowledge, it was shared in such a way that it was understood and I was able to integrate and put into practice what was shown. Eeka’s energy and warmth allowed for a comfortable and pleasant environment to learn and grow into knowledge with confidence. Thank you so much”

“Eeka delivers her course in a relaxed atmosphere. She is always on hand to guide the group when we need help. I highly recommend this course. Acutonics is easily incorporated with other modalities. Thanks heaps Eeka!”

“Eeka’s knowledge base is so broad and deep and is wonderfully shared across the spectrum of sound healing with the pinnacle of Acutonics®. She is such an engaging person and expert in her subject matter. I’m constantly engrossed by the wisdom she shares and the brilliance of what Acutonics universally; physically; emotionally and spiritually gives to us all. Truly inspiring and soulfully salubrious!

“The program was an exciting and deeply transformational experience, covering a variety of healing modalities, uniting the best; leaving no room for question. I am now feeling more confident and inspired to move forward with my practice as a vibrational medicine therapist.”

“This course was a great introduction into this amazing healing modality. Eeka is a fantastic teacher. She is so passionate about Acutonics- it is contagious! I am totally inspired to learn more and I can’t wait to incorporate what Iv learned into my daily practice”

“Eeka is an amazing teacher. Questions, no matter how many, are patiently and thoroughly answered. The in class practices are supportive and build confidence. It is really a feeling of being able to go out and apply this amazing practice straight away”

“Eeka…..What a soul, what a teacher. Her knowledge and passion for the content is deep and obvious. She has an amazing ability to make the seemingly hard not so daunting, which allows the learner to relax and express themselves. You will love it!”
“I loved this course. The content was wonderful and you dressed the space beautifully. I felt at home. Thank you so much for your dedication to sharing this wonderful healing system with us in Australia!”

“This system of vibrational medicine is a vast topic and Eeka delivers the teachings in a way that can be easily understood by therapists with little of no knowledge of Chinese Medicine and can be easily incorporated into other healing modalities or as a stand alone treatment”.

I feel that having completed this course I have added a very valuable tool to my belt and gives an alternative approach to the needs of some for more subtle methods (i.e.. sensitive people, children & elderly). Participating in this class will also refine ones understanding of Qi and our connection with the planets in our solar system. This wisdom is a powerful tool which will only advance ones ability to heal. Highly Recommended”.

I am so grateful to have Eeka as a teacher for this amazing modality/medicine. Everything was explained so well and in a way that could suit every person in the room from different backgrounds. Having fun is a great way to learn! I have been inspired with so much knowledge these past few days…I can’t wait to do level 2 & 3. Thanks Eeka!”

“Acutonics 1 was a thoroughly enjoyable, educational & cohesive experience and introduction to the Acutonics modality. I found it well presented & accessible to both the new & interested healer & the experienced practitioner. I loved the many sacred sciences that Acutonics bridged, both theoretically and practically. It is a well & logically put together course and amazing healing modality. I found Acutonics to contain and bridge many of the crucial ingredients for beings to flourish on this planet, both as human beings and as practitioners. It is a very real and grounded bridge for a new humanity. Many thanks for all of the love and work that has gone into creating Acutonics. Love Jodie. P.s I particulary loved where it is coming from- a place of love and reverence to the sacred journey we are on as beings, a humanity & beyond.”