Acutonics® Sound Medicine, Sound Therapy Certification
From the very first class you will gain valuable knowledge that can be immediately implemented into your life and work to promote optimal health and well-being.
Tuning Fork Therapy, a non-invasive gentle modality, with a scientific and spiritual foundation integrates beautifully into an Integrative Medical Model. All classes are offered over weekends in a series of modules that allow you to go at your own pace. There are teachers throughout the world offering the entire Acutonics Certification program and our curriculum has been translated into many languages.
Acutonics has three distinct modules of learning. Completion of each module earns a practitioner designation. Certified Acutonics® Practitioner, the highest level of achievement, is only achieved after completion of all three modules.
The creation of learning modules and measures of accomplishment are designed to demonstrate that students have achieved a level of competency that enables them to practice Acutonics® Sound Medicine after the completion of the first module. You will be listed on the Acutonics website and celebrated for your achievements. Fulfilling ALL modules gains greater recognition of achievement, including the designation Certified Acutonics® Practitioner.
Successful completion of each module of learning earns the following designation:
Module I: Associate Acutonics® Practitioner
Module II: Acutonics® Practitioner
Module III: Certified Acutonics® Practitioner

Module I Course Requirements
- Acutonics Level I: Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
- Acutonics Level II: Higher Harmonics & the Inner Nature of Tone
- Points & Meridians
- Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine
- Ethics in Clinical Practice
- 30 clinical practice hours (8 must be from a clinic day, live on-line or in person)
Take home exam designed to help students understand the most important aspects of this module that should be mastered.
Successful completion of the above courses received the designation of Associate Acutonics® Practitioner.
Module II Course Requirements
- Acutonics Level III: Harmonic Attunement
- Acutonics Level IV: Advanced Harmonic Applications
- Sedna Super Conductor
- Harmonic Pathology
- Elective 1
- Case Studies: Clinical Documentaries
- 25 Clinic Hours (8 must be from a clinic day, live on-line or in person)
Take home exam designed to help students understand the most important aspects of this module that should be mastered.
Successful completion of the above receives the designation of Acutonics® Practitioner.
Module III Course Requirements
- Hygiea Holism & Expanded Consciousness
- Unwinding Trauma: The Eight Extraordinary Vessels and Fibonacci
- Elective 2
- Thesis or special project
- 45 Clinic Hours (16 hours in clinic or trade show days)
Successful completion of all III modules receives the designation of Certified® Acutonics Practitioner, the highest level of achievement.
Acutonics® Sound Healing Certification Program
The Acutonics® Certification program ensures that practitioners receive a high level of training in the integration of sound-based tools into a health care setting. The program addresses the diverse training needs of health professionals by providing a practical understanding of Integrative Medicine, East Asian Medicine, and Sound Healing. Our students include acupuncturists, nurses, doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, estheticians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, veterinarians, massage therapists, musicians, and energy practitioners. Our unique curriculum is designed to expand the practitioner’s knowledge and competency in the basic principles of sound healing and East Asian Medicine, while taking previous training into consideration. In addition, practitioners engage in a process of self-exploration and self-development to be models of health and healing.
The entire Acutonics curriculum is approximately 500 plus hours, and includes twelve core courses, and two electives. New electives are frequently developed and offered to enhance the knowledge of students and practitioners. Each course builds on prior class work, and there is significant hands-on experience. Students, who do not have a background in East Asian Medicine, are required to take the Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine and the Energetics of Points and Meridians and to demonstrate competency in point location. One hundred supervised clinic hours are required, and a student thesis or special project that demonstrates a depth of understanding of the Acutonics methodology. Most classes are held over weekends, however sometime we will schedule two classes at the same time to reduce travel for students. There are also opportunities for tutorials, and one-on-one learning. Students should directly contact the instructor to explore the wide range of options for classes.
The Acutonics® Certification Program can be claimed for continuing education for health practitioners registered with AHPRA and most Massage associations.
The Acutonics® Institute of Integrative Medicine is a premier approved training provider with IICT and students can receive discounted student membership until completion of their 1st training module.
Professional Health practitioners coming to the program that already have insurance with another provider such as Guild etc may be able to add Acutonics to their policies after the initial level.
Continuing Education Requirements.
To maintain status as a practitioner of Acutonics in good standing there is a requirement for 24 hours of continuing education every two years. Prior to becoming a fully Certified Acutonics ® Practitioner the continuing education credits may be logged as a class completed for the next module, so the student gets to use their advancement through the program toward continuing education requirements. Once Certified there are numerous electives offered, as well as an opportunity to audit classes already taken, to promote continuous learning.
Acutonics® Sound Medicine, Sound Therapy Certification
Tuning Fork Therapy, a non-invasive gentle modality, with a scientific and spiritual foundation integrates beautifully into an Integrative Medical Model. All classes are offered over weekends in a series of modules that allow you to go at your own pace. There are teachers throughout the world offering the entire Acutonics Certification program and our curriculum has been translated into many languages.
Acutonics has three distinct modules of learning. Completion of each module earns a practitioner designation. Certified Acutonics® Practitioner, the highest level of achievement, is only achieved after completion of all three modules.
The creation of learning modules and measures of accomplishment are designed to demonstrate that students have achieved a level of competency that enables them to practice Acutonics® Sound Medicine after the completion of the first module. You will be listed on the Acutonics website and celebrated for your achievements. Fulfilling ALL modules gains greater recognition of achievement, including the designation Certified Acutonics® Practitioner.
Successful completion of each module of learning earns the following designation:
Module I: Associate Acutonics® Practitioner
Module II: Acutonics® Practitioner
Module III: Certified Acutonics® Practitioner
Module I Course Requirements
- Acutonics Level I: Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
- Acutonics Level II: Higher Harmonics & the Inner Nature of Tone
- Points & Meridians
- Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine
- Ethics in Clinical Practice
- 30 clinical practice hours (8 must be from a clinic day, live on-line or in person)
Take home exam designed to help students understand the most important aspects of this module that should be mastered.
Successful completion of the above courses received the designation of Associate Acutonics® Practitioner.
Module II Course Requirements
- Acutonics Level III: Harmonic Attunement
- Acutonics Level IV: Advanced Harmonic Applications
- Sedna Super Conductor
- Harmonic Pathology
- Elective 1
- Case Studies: Clinical Documentaries
- 25 Clinic Hours (8 must be from a clinic day, live on-line or in person)
Take home exam designed to help students understand the most important aspects of this module that should be mastered.
Successful completion of the above receives the designation of Acutonics® Practitioner.
Module III Course Requirements
- Hygiea Holism & Expanded Consciousness
- Unwinding Trauma: The Eight Extraordinary Vessels and Fibonacci
- Elective 2
- Thesis or special project
- 45 Clinic Hours (16 hours in clinic or trade show days)
Successful completion of all III modules receives the designation of Certified® Acutonics Practitioner, the highest level of achievement.
Acutonics® Sound Healing Certification Program
The Acutonics® Certification program ensures that practitioners receive a high level of training in the integration of sound-based tools into a health care setting. The program addresses the diverse training needs of health professionals by providing a practical understanding of Integrative Medicine, East Asian Medicine, and Sound Healing. Our students include acupuncturists, nurses, doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, estheticians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, veterinarians, massage therapists, musicians, and energy practitioners. Our unique curriculum is designed to expand the practitioner’s knowledge and competency in the basic principles of sound healing and East Asian Medicine, while taking previous training into consideration. In addition, practitioners engage in a process of self-exploration and self-development to be models of health and healing.
The entire Acutonics curriculum is approximately 500 plus hours, and includes twelve core courses, and two electives. New electives are frequently developed and offered to enhance the knowledge of students and practitioners. Each course builds on prior class work, and there is significant hands-on experience. Students, who do not have a background in East Asian Medicine, are required to take the Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine and the Energetics of Points and Meridians and to demonstrate competency in point location. One hundred supervised clinic hours are required, and a student thesis or special project that demonstrates a depth of understanding of the Acutonics methodology. Most classes are held over weekends, however sometime we will schedule two classes at the same time to reduce travel for students. There are also opportunities for tutorials, and one-on-one learning. Students should directly contact the instructor to explore the wide range of options for classes.

Continuing Education Requirements.
To maintain status as a practitioner of Acutonics in good standing there is a requirement for 24 hours of continuing education every two years. Prior to becoming a fully Certified Acutonics ® Practitioner the continuing education credits may be logged as a class completed for the next module, so the student gets to use their advancement through the program toward continuing education requirements. Once Certified there are numerous electives offered, as well as an opportunity to audit classes already taken, to promote continuous learning.
Acutonics® I: Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
This foundational class introduces the philosophy and cosmology of the Acutonics integrative care methodology, while illuminating its scientific roots. The class explores the cross-cultural use of sound and its healing potential, the relationship between the human body and sound, and how to work with acupuncture points, meridian pathways, and areas of pain to improve health and well-being. Students develop expanded clinical skills by exploring a wide variety of conditions. In addition, we examine the concepts of cellular memory, sound imprinting, and the role of the Kidney as the guardian of our primordial Qi, all within the context of an East Asian medical model. The course also introduces new insights into the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, which provide a powerful therapeutic gateway for hands on work.
You will learn how to find acupoints, palpate, and apply precision-calibrated tuning forks, using the Acutonics Earth/Moon Professional and Solar 7th Sets. An introduction to the principals of the Five Elements will help students develop an understanding of the relationship of these tools to the cycles of nature, the organ and meridian systems, the emotional body, and the archetypal qualities of the heavenly bodies. Students learn to implement effective treatment protocols using the Extraordinary Vessels, the Microcosmic Orbit, the Windows to the Sky points, the Three Treasures, and other acupoints rich in therapeutic benefits.
3 Day Class (24 hours)
Required for Associate Acutonics Practitioner certification.
This class deepens participants’ knowledge of musical intervals and sound layering directly on and above acupuncture point combinations. The importance of the water element and its correspondence to the kidney, the concept of the heavenly spheres, the pole star, the natural cycles of the universe, the balance between yin and yang, and the spiritual and ancient wisdom traditions contained within Taoist philosophy, and Tibetan Buddhist traditions are discussed. Energy assessment and the relationship of the individual to the cycles of nature and the cosmos are explored while deepening students’ knowledge of the Five Elements, Eight principals, Three Treasures, Eight Extraordinary Meridians, key acupoints, and Ashi /trigger points or areas of pain. The importance of listening and understanding clients’ narratives and the embedded archetypes are examined in the context of developing more sophisticated treatment strategies.
Through instructor demonstration and clinical practicum students learn to palpate, balance, expand, and transform disharmonies in the meridian and organ systems. Use of the Earth Moon tools are reviewed, and students are introduced to high and low frequency tuning forks. Sound layering is further explored through the integration of tuning forks and indigenous sound healing tools from ancient Tibet, cross-cultural traditions incorporating sound vibration for healing are discussed. The applications of Tibetan bowls, on and above acupuncture points and in the field is explored.
3 Day Class (24 hours)
Required for Associate Acutonics Practitioner certification.
Energetics of Points & Meridians
This in-depth course explores acupuncture points and their relationship to the corresponding organ systems. It examines common patterns of imbalance and strategies to address them from the perspective of East Asian Medicine. The class provides an integrated format of lecture and hands-on point location, to deepen the understanding of the core principles of East Asian Medicine and Acutonics Integrative Medicine.
Required for Associate Acutonics Practitioner certification if student is not trained in East Asian Medicine.
Prerequisites: Acutonics Level I and Acutonics Fundamentals of East Asian Medicine
3-Day Class (24 Hours)
Required for Associate Acutonics Practitioner certification.
Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine
This class is designed to help Acutonics students without training in East Asian Medicine to expand their understanding of the energetic perspective of East Asian medicine as it relates to the nature and flow of energy in the body and the organs and substances of the body. Other topics covered include the Yin/Yang organ relationships, curious organs, Five Shen, Three Treasures and causes of disease.
The class also provides insights into the Taoist view of Qi, the functions of the organs, and understanding to inform choices and strategies for treatment.
This course is required for all new students without East Asian medicine training. It should be taken prior to Points & Meridians. We encourage students to take Acutonics I & II first, to understand at a deeper level how East Asian medicine informs our full curriculum.
3-Day Class (24 Hours)
Required for Associate Acutonics Practitioner certification if student is not trained in East Asian Medicine.
The goals for this course are to explore and more deeply understand the ethical principles, standards of practice and guiding principles of Acutonics, within the larger contextual frame of integrative medicine. We will examine ethics and integrity from a Western, Eastern, and Indigenous perspective and explore the role that the use of sound vibration on the body, may play in ethical situations. Ethical awareness is an active and continuous process and standards, and codes of ethics are a starting point to prompt, guide, and inform but they do not take the place of an active, deliberate, and creative approach to ethical considerations.
This class is designed to deepen awareness of the energetic relationship between a client and a practitioner. What does it mean to create an energetic container—or sacred space—that enhances the ability to establish and maintain healthy energetic boundaries and appropriate connections in the therapeutic environment. Regardless of background, experience, or prior ethics training this class is designed to stimulate discussion on a number of topics that relate to clinical practice and how to address these sometimes complex and challenging issues with grace.
2 Day Class (16 Hours)
Required for Associate Acutonics Practitioner certification
Acutonics® III: Harmonic Attunement
This advanced training provides an in-depth exploration of planetary science, cross-cultural myths, and musical intervals derived from planetary frequencies applied to points and meridians. Ancient beliefs and traditions of East Asian Medicine are explored through Taoist concepts of the Heavens, Wu Qi, the Three Pure Ones, and the Five Forces. Students gain a deeper understanding of sacred anatomy, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and our Celestial Stems and Terrestrial Branches. We also explore the role of story, myth, and archetype with their physiological and psychological implications to inform treatment approaches. Working in teams, you will conduct assessments to plan and deliver in-depth treatments that incorporate planetary tuning forks, hand chimes and essential oils. You will have the opportunity to develop your therapeutic skills of client assessment, treatment planning, and more sophisticated sound layering directly on acupuncture points.
This comprehensive class introduces you to Planetary Mid-Frequency Tuning Forks including Chiron, Planetary Gongs, Hand Chimes, and Harmonic Essentials® Planetary Oils.
4 Day Class (32 hours)
Required for Acutonics Practitioner certification.
Acutonics® IV: Advanced Harmonic Applications
This advanced class synthesizes concepts from previous levels by offering new insights into the scientific and psychological impact of planetary sound and vibrations. We discuss the relevance of dynamic rather than static models in science, culture, and health care, introduce universal laws and principals, time-space synchronization, and theories in physics that address the bridge between mind and matter. Western conceptions of synchronicity developed by C.G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli are introduced alongside Eastern conceptions of the relationships between psyche, synchronicity, and the Tao. Binary star systems, precessional cycles and ancient civilizations provide a context in which to understand the history, relevance, and physiological implications of Nibiru, the Planet of the Crossroads, one of the most potent frequencies used by advanced Acutonics practitioners. The history and science of asteroids, meteors and comets provides a foundation for the introduction of the archetypal qualities and healing attributes of the asteroid goddesses: Ceres, Pallas Athena, Vesta, and Juno.
Through extensive hands-on experience you will broaden your understanding of the interplanetary intervals and learn how to integrate Chiron, Nibiru and Asteroid tools into clinical practice for advanced applications in a clinical setting. You will continue to work in teams—conducting assessments, planning, and delivering in-depth treatments that incorporate interplanetary intervals and a range of advanced techniques directly on and over acupuncture points.
3 Day Class (24 Hours)
Required for Acutonics Practitioner certification.
This advanced course provides a vehicle to explore the many faces and attributes of the Planet Sedna. This newly discovered planet has deep ties to indigenous cultures, Hopi and Mayan prophecy, the Inuit, and the taproot of East Asian medicine. Sedna acts as a superconductor, representing non-duality, super-creativity, paradigm shifts and synchronicity. You will learn about the science, morphology, mythology and archetype of Sedna, and the key healing themes that unfold for humans, animals, the environment, and the planet. The class also examines the latest theories in physics, pole shifts, and astrobiology. You will learn new intervals that incorporate the Sedna tuning forks as a new fundamental or home tone that supports transformation. This advanced class provides an opportunity to deepen and synthesize previous teachings while expanding your understanding of the direct application of tuning forks to the Extraordinary Vessels, acupoints, and meridians. You will hone assessment skills and have extensive hands-on practice.
3 Day Class (24 Hours)
Required for Acutonics Practitioner certification
This class provides an in-depth opportunity to explore and synthesize case studies for a variety of complex conditions. We will discuss the theory, method, intention, creativity, sound healing research and practical skills that come together in clinical practice. You will have the opportunity to respond to instructor-presented cases as well as present your own case studies, share clinical stories, techniques, and a range of diagnostic approaches with your colleagues.
2 Day Class (16 Hours)
Required for Acutonics Practitioner certification.
This course examines the changing nature of illness and disease and the pathology of many of the most current and least understood illnesses of our time. We will explore the epistemology and etiology of a disease from an Eastern and Western biomedical model, as well as the energetic and psycho emotional and spiritual nexus of illness. We will examine common pathologies encountered in clinical practice. You will learn to relate symptoms to the archetypal and harmonic signatures of specific syndromes. Students will further develop their clinical skills through an exploration of complex cases working in teams to identify integrative treatment strategies.
3 Day Class (24 Hours)
Required for Acutonics Practitioner certification.
Hygiea: Holism & Expanded Consciousnes
Hygiea is the ancient Greek goddess of health and the newest member of our celestial family. Her mythic legacy dates back at least to 600 BCE, where she is associated with Athena, the goddess of purity and wisdom. Hygiea offers deep teachings of prevention, sanitation, and purification. She invites us to expand our perceptions of holism, integration, synthesis, and balance to better serve the needs of our social, medical, political, and educational systems. She helps us to sanitize and filter out false intentions of ego to redefine and uphold higher laws of hygiene. Hygiea guides us to a deeper understanding that we must do more than prevent pathology, we must attend to our minds, bodies, emotions, and spirit to bring forth balance and health to empower ourselves and our planet. This powerful healing force works in concert with the other planets to support their growth and evolution to express a truer, stronger, cleaner vibratory form so that holism can blossom.
This three-day class delves into the powerful multidimensional applications of this four-octave, 5 tuning fork Hygiea Set. We explore the science, mythic and archetypal literature envisioned through not just what we know of Hygiea but the ways she invites shifts to our long-held perceptions as well as the role of planetary discovery in the evolution of human consciousness and conduct. Her vibratory relationship with each of the planets and the new intervallic, archetypal, and practical relationships are explored. Hygiea and the use of these new octaves play an essential role in deepening our treatment strategies at a critical time in our advancement of the sciences, art, ecology and civilization.
Prerequisites: Advanced Curriculum, requires, Acutonics Level I-IV, Acutonics Level IX
3 Day Class (24 hours)
Required to become a Certified Acutonics® Practitioner
Unwinding Trauma with Fibonacci & the 8 Extraordinary Vessels
“Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent,
melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous.” –Yehudi Menuhin
The Eight Extraordinary Vessels provide a gateway to psycho-emotional health and expanded consciousness. They facilitate, link, and bridge the physical, energetic, and emotional structures of the body, and offer an exceptional way to address trauma. Trauma affects our lives on all levels, impacting relationships within families, work environments, ethnic groups, societies, and the natural world. Trauma is at the root of disease. Getting to the substrate of where we carry trauma, and to address and unwind it, can allow for remarkable release—revealing more of our essential nature.
In this two-day class, we explore the different levels of trauma and deepen our knowledge of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels and other key points that are excellent to treat trauma and unwind the patterns that limit us whether familial, cultural, or environmental. You will be introduced to the Acutonics Ohm® Fibonacci tuning forks, which follow a sequence of numbers that is a never-ending spiral of movement, the sacred geometry at the foundation of life, that provides a powerful aid in the transition of limiting patterns. We will explore sound-layering as a vehicle to promote harmony and health and the unification of the three levels of healing – emotional, physical, and spiritual. Through lecture, class discussion and clinical practicum, incorporating the use of Acutonics® planetary and Acutonics Ohm® Fibonacci tuning forks, we will explore ways to gently but deeply access and address trauma that is so prevalent in our practices and personal lives today.
2 Day Class (16 Hours)
Required to become a Certified Acutonics® Practitioner.
Thesis Development & Presentation
This is the perfect opportunity to work closely with a faculty member to research a topic of interest or create a special project that is an in-depth exploration of a topic associated with the Acutonics methodology. You may complete this requirement over a six-month period under the direction of a teacher/mentor.
Course Length: 6-Month Independent Study
Required to become a Certified Acutonics® Practitioner
Clinical Case Studies Option
Each case earns 5 hours of clinical credit.
Students may submit case studies documenting clients they are treating. These must be written in Acutonics Case Documentaries format and include the initial treatment and at least two follow-up treatments. Case studies are provided to your supervising Senior Faculty Member who will review the case, provide feedback, and check for correct formatting. After the faculty member has reviewed content, the student makes any recommended changes, and the cases are submitted to the Acutonics Institute, with faculty approval noted.
Video Self Care or Treatment Case Option
Clinical credit can be earned through video recording self-care or treating a patient. Each case earns 5 hours of clinical credit for 3 treatments.
At the start of the video a case analysis, diagnosis and treatment plan given. Point location for all points is demonstrated
Clinic Day Option
A supervised clinic earns 10 hours of clinical credit.
An Acutonics Instructor may organise a local community clinic day where you will treat members of the public and demonstrate analysing a case, putting a treatment plan together and observe treatment and point location. An instructor fee applies.
Study Groups Option
Clinical credit can be earned through special forums held by a Senior Acutonics Faculty Member:
- Specific topics or challenging cases are presented by students and discussed
- Acutonics treatment is done by students on fellow students
- Acutonics treatments are done on patients provided by the teacher or the students
- Some study groups may have a small tuition fee and others may be free 0f charge.
Trade/Professional Shows Option
Clinical credit can be earned from this option
- Educating the public about the Acutonics Healing System
- Providing brief treatments, at trade or professional shows accompanied and supervised by a Certified Acutonics Instructor.
Points and Meridian Class (additional day) Option
A maximum of 8 hours may be obtained from this option. This is an optional extra day following an Energetics of Points and Meridians class which is provided by the instructor to allow treatment of clients from the community or of other students from the class.
Case Studies Class (additional day) Option
A maximum of 8 hours may be obtained from this option. This is an optional extra day following the Clinical Documentaries class, which is provided by the instructor to allow treatment of clients from the community or of other students from the class.
Note: At teacher’s discretion, a clinical day can be added to any class however the above two classes are recommended.
Documentation of All Clinical Hours
In order to obtain credit for your clinic hours they must be documented on the attached Clinical Hours Documentation Form, the form must include all relevant information indicating how the hours were earned. This includes:
- Date
- Location
- Type of Clinic Hour
- Number of hours earned
- Supervising faculty signature
- If the case study option is used cases must be submitted to Acutonics for the credits to be granted.
It is the student’s responsibility to maintain clinic hour documentation and receive sign off on their hours from the supervising faculty member.

Eeka is a phenomenal teacher. She is so knowledgeable and embodied in her understanding of Acutonics. Her passion is contagious and her example of a dedicated practitioner is a blessing for all of her students to bear witness. When someone is doing what they are meant to do it is a magical thing to behold- and all the information becomes so easy to assimilate because of it. The group was dynamic, playful and connected. And I am excited to continue my journey with Acutonics.

‘Eeka is a really wholesome teacher, she marries her wisdom around astrology, acupuncture and sound medicine seamlessly into a full 3 days of practical and informative content along with weaving in ceremony, meditation and discussions that add experiential depth to the process.
By the end of the 3 days I felt my body buzzing and felt the deep effects of the sounds in my body continuing to do their healing work. My gratitude to you Eeka for bringing the amazing healing tool into my life !

I highly recommend Acutonics and Eeka to delve deeper into energy & the art and science of Healing. It’s a beautiful blend of eastern and western mystery school teachings. This course has helped me to further infuse the energy healing I am currently doing. I have had great shifts in my own mind, body and soul just from attending this course. I now have a deeper connection and experiencing of the macro and microcosms.

“If your looking to expand into another dimension of energetic healing, then Acutonics is for you. It builds well on knowledge of acupuncture principles and develops an inspiring way to practice. Eeka teaches what she obviously loves and practices. She combines sound disciplined teaching practices with intuition, flair and a great deal of creativity. Five Star!”

Fascinating technology that bridges many methods of healing. The Power of sound is the way to our future. I love Eeka’s transmission of knowledge and joy in this work. I would recommend this course to many and look forward to continuing my studies. I love Sound!

Eeka held such a wonderful space & shared such valuable knowledge, in a very practical & profound way. It was interesting, inspiring and informative, leaving me feeling not only confident in this modality but in treating others with it. Thank you Eeka for your warmth & truly beautiful way of supporting and teaching me & others this amazing modality

This course takes you beyond expected. Eeka is an approachable, filled with knowledge and fun instructor. Her love and belief in Acutonics is felt deeply. Definitely changed my vision and expanded my knowledge.

‘This weekend has been more than I ever could have imagined. Eeka is such a beautiful teacher and incredibly knowledgeable. Acutonics itself is to me, the perfect combination of healing techniques to provide the most effective outcome. Everything has pointed me in the direction of Acutonics and what a blessing to be guided by the lovely Eeka’

‘Radiant, practical, down to Earth and Cosmic. Eeka inspires higher aspiration for planetary healing’

‘Eeka is a great teacher I really loved learning from her. Eekas knowledge & wisdom and life experience is exceptional in the field.’

Its existence yet I had no idea what to expect. Eeka was truely an amazing guide, I loved her honest, grounded & very supportive approach to teaching. I also loved how inclusive it was within class discussions with opportunity to learn from everyone, whilst Eeka linked & weaved the many perspectives into a greater whole. I want to continue with this amazing course structure and to learn from Eeka’s wealth of experience.
Thank you Eeka you are an incredible woman.

Eeka did an amazing job of blending both the scientific and esoteric sides of Acutonics. She was able to provide case studies and personal experiences that related to and built on the literature provided. It was a great space to learn and experience the power of Acutonics. Looking forward to the next course!

I experienced a truly transformative journey in my body and it surprised me how deep I went and fell asleep unlike any other treatments I have had before. I highly recommend Eeka for anyone wishing to ground and bathe in sound and learn all facets about it. She has a deep understanding of acupuncture & energy and easily addressed the needs in the group.
It was nourishing. Thanks again. I look forward to level 3 & 4

My experience of 6 days of taking Acutonics level 1 & 2 with Eeka has me inspired with a deep desire to learn more. Eeka’s humble approachable personality matched with her obvious passion and knowledge in this work makes her a great teacher. Eeka being very present throughout is very appreciated! I am very impressed with the design of the course. I love how much history, evidence and knowledge was shared aligned with potent images. Thank you very much ! Aloha

It truly took me into a cellular space where I saw, felt and became my true calling. The expansion of knowledge on top of level 1 was profound.
I came away with an understanding of what is achievable to a level that far surpasses what I thought was possible in healing.
Eeka is just a wealth of knowledge. Wow wow wow. Is all I can say.

Acutonics 3 was a transformational turning point for me. I found the planetary information intriguing and all connecting in with everything I’ve learned so far.. Eeka has great clarity and vision and a powerful strength and authenticity to bring the teachings through and pass the knowledge on.This vibrational medium (Acutonics) is cutting edge for the future of people and the planet and I recommend to all who would choose to follow this journey…

“My involvement in the weekend of Acutonics 1 has been a very informative, interesting and positive experience. Eeka’s knowledge and delivery is exceptional. Her willingness to help is above what is needed and makes everyone feel relaxed and nurtured. Her experience of the healing arts in general is a resource she is easily able to draw on and she is able to convey a very wholistic approach to the cosmic mysteries in general. I would happily recommend anyone to be a part of this course!”

“Eeka King has a broad spectrum of knowledge when it comes to working with sound on the body. Her enthusiastic nature displays her passion for Acutonics and sharing this modality with others- both as teacher and as therapist. If you want to experience the vibrational aspects of sound, both subtle and profound, I would highly recommend Eeka as a facilitator”