
Acutonics® II: Higher Harmonics and the Inner Nature of Tone

This tuning fork therapy class expands your knowledge of musical intervals and explores how to “layer” sound on and above acupuncture points with midd, low and high frequency. We deepen your appreciation of the cosmic nature of healing as we investigate the importance of the water element and its correspondence to the Kidney, the concept of the Music of the Spheres, the Pole Star, the cycles of Nature, the balance between Yin and Yang, and the spiritual and ancient wisdom traditions contained within Taoist and Bon philosophy. We delve into Esoteric Acupuncture patterning and Geometry by installation with high frequency tuning forks. The importance of listening and understanding clients’ narratives and the embedded archetypes are examined in the context of developing more sophisticated treatment strategies.

You will learn to balance, release and transform disharmonies in the meridian and organ systems as you continue to practice with the Acutonics® Earth/Moon Professional and Solar 7th Sets and learn to use Acutonics® Earth/Moon/Sun High-Frequency Set. You will learn more about sound layering through the integration of tuning forks with indigenous sound healing tools from ancient cross-cultural traditions as you learn how to use Tibetan bowls, Planetary tuned hand chimes and Gongs, tingshas, bells, flutes and drums on and above acupuncture points and in the body’s energy field.

*Each 3 day class is 24 AACMA CPD

*Fun, interactive & practical hands on class.

In person Ocean Shores, Northern NSW

24 CPD points